

Flyfishing Entomology



The Basics An aquatic entomology primer for fly fishers
Names Query on either common or scientific aquatic insect name names
Aquatic Species Checklist of North American aquatic (and semi-aquatic) insect species
Lakes Biotic Survey Query which macro-invertebrates inhabit (1243) US lakes/reservoirs
Descriptions Detailed aquatic insect descriptions at family, genus, and species levels
Illustrations Query consolidated index to (4,255) aquatic insect illustrations
Distribution Look up geographic distribution of mayfly, caddisfly, and stonefly species
Distribution Maps Mayfly and Caddisfly species state/province distribution maps
Identification Identify adult (mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies) to genus level
WA Stream Life WA stream-resident aquatic macroinvertebrate families and genera
WA Hatches WA aquatic insect emergence chart (takes time to load, 1.75 MB)
Articles Hatches Magazine articles written by founder of this website
Responses Answers to entomology related questions by the founder of this website
Links To recommended aquatic entomology related websites
Other entomology forums: PNW FF   WA FF   Troutnut   BugGuide   Mayfly ID of N/A
This website was developed to share my interest in aquatic entomology with other flyfishers.
Please click RRohrbeck@comcast.net to submit questions or comments. Thanks, Roger Rohrbeck

Created: 09/22/2004   Last modified: 09/27/2024    www.FlyfishingEntomology.com