Site Map |
Flyfishing Entomology |
Topic |
Description |
The Basics | An aquatic entomology primer for fly fishers |
Names | Query on either common or scientific aquatic insect name names |
Aquatic Species | Checklist of North American aquatic (and semi-aquatic) insect species |
Lakes Biotic Survey | Query which macro-invertebrates inhabit (1243) US lakes/reservoirs |
Descriptions | Detailed aquatic insect descriptions at family, genus, and species levels |
Illustrations | Query consolidated index to (4,255) aquatic insect illustrations |
Distribution | Look up geographic distribution of mayfly, caddisfly, and stonefly species |
Distribution Maps | Mayfly and Caddisfly species state/province distribution maps |
Identification | Identify adult (mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies) to genus level |
WA Stream Life | WA stream-resident aquatic macroinvertebrate families and genera |
WA Hatches | WA aquatic insect emergence chart (takes time to load, 1.75 MB) |
Articles | Hatches Magazine articles written by founder of this website |
Responses | Answers to entomology related questions by the founder of this website |
Links | To recommended aquatic entomology related websites |
Other entomology forums: PNW FF WA FF Troutnut BugGuide Mayfly ID of N/A | |
This website
was developed to share my interest in aquatic entomology with other flyfishers.
Please click to submit questions or comments. Thanks, Roger Rohrbeck |
Created: 09/22/2004 Last modified: 09/27/2024 |