

Flyfishing Entomology


Pacific Northwest True Flies (Diptera)

Anthomyiidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Anthomyiidae

Anthomyzid Flies . .
Athericidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Athericidae

Watersnipe Flies Have 7 pairs of abdominal prolegs and a single proleg on the last segment, absence of a true head, long fleshy filaments that extend from the hind end, and short filaments that stick out from each side of each abdominal segment.. Stout tapered abdomen; longish legs; 1st & 2nd antennal segments doughnut shaped, last (3rd) segment w/long bristle..
Atherix Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Atherix

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Blephariceridae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Blephariceridae

Netwinged Midges Body tough; head and thorax fused; each segment w/spine off side; fleshy section cup beneath, suction cups; white finger-like gills between most segments.. Resemble a small broadwinged cranefly; longish legs; wings with net-like cross-venation..
Agathon Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Agathon

. Antennae with three distinct segments, separated by obvious constrictions instead of long, clear membranes; two grooves running from near the eyes to the back of the head; two prolegs on each side of each segment.. .
Bibiocephala Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Bibiocephala

. Antennae with only two segments that are separated by a constriction and only a short, white membrane if any at all; two prolegs on each side of each segment.. .
Blepharicera Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Blepharicera

. Antennae with long sections of clear membrane instead of distinct constrictions between the dark segments; only a single proleg on each side of each segment.. .
Philorus Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Philorus

. Antennae with three distinct segments, separated by obvious constrictions instead of long, clear membranes; w/o two grooves running from near the eyes to the back of the head; two prolegs on each side of each segment.. .
Ceratopogonidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Ceratopogonidae

Biting Midges (no-see-ums) Whitish body with an elongated brownish head and no prolegs.. Mouthparts adapted for piercing; abdomen somewhat stout and straight until near end where it is tapered and upturned..
Chaoboridae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Chaoboridae

Phantom Midges Alien-looking predators on tiny crustaceans and other small organisms.. .
Chironomidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Chironomidae

Midges Body slender and cylindrical without distinct head capsule; pair or thoracic prolegs; pair of anal prolegs.. Mouthparts not adapted for piercing; antennae of male plume-like; abdomen slender and slightly tapered..
Species albiplumus

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Chironomus Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Chironomus

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Culicidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Culicidae

Mosquitoes Small to medium sized; head w/mouth brushes; thoracic segments fused and much larger than abdomen; dorsal breathing tube.. Mouthparts formed to long proboscus; wings have scales along veins, held flat over body when at rest..
Deuterophlibiidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Deuterophlibiidae

Mountain Midges . .
Dixidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Dixidae

Dixid Midges Unlike close cousins (mosquitoes and phantom midges), have three distinct thoracic segments that are not particularly swollen.. .
Dixa Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Dixa

. Have 2 pairs of prolegs; rings of hair around the top of each abdominal segment. .
Dixella Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Dixella

. Have relatively hairless top surface of their abdominal segments; and two pairs of front abdominal prolegs. .
Meringodixa Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Meringodixa

. Have single pair of front prolegs; top of each abdominal segment also has rings of short hair with a tuft of slightly longer hairs on each side. .
Empididae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Empididae

Aquatic Dance Flies Small, predatory, usually tan to white in color; head parts often visible through the skin at their front end as a few long, dark rods.. Predatory; long, knifelike structure used to subdue prey, which can be quite large compared to predator size. Males group together, showing off their prey, and are chosen by females based on their offerings..
Chelifera Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Chelifera

. Have 7 pairs of prolegs; 4 small clusters of hairs at the end of the abdomen.. .
Clinocera Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Clinocera

. Have 8 pairs of prolegs; 2 short tubercles on top of the abdomen just before the hind end and a pair of close clusters of hairs at the end of the abdomen.. .
Hemerodromia Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Hemerodromia

. Have 7 pairs of prolegs; the abdomen ends in a lobe that has a clusters of hairs at the end and may be forked.. .
Oreogeton Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Oreogeton

. Have 8 pairs of prolegs; 2 long tubercles just before the end of the abdomen and 2 at the end; each abdominal segment with a cluster of hairs on each side.. .
Wiedemannia Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Wiedemannia

. Have 8 pairs of prolegs; 2 long tubercles just before the end of the abdomen and 2 at the end; each abdominal segment sides of abdomen are bare.. .
Ephydridae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Ephydridae

Shore Flies Never have well-developed head and always have a pair of short or long breathing tubes on their hind end that have darkened tips.. .
Limoniidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Limoniidae

Limoniid Crane Flies Pointed front end w/partially or fully retracted head; rear end blunt w/variously shaped lobes; 10-25 mm when mature.. Medium to large mosquito-like flies with extremely long legs; wings with 2 anal veins reaching margin..
Antocha Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Antocha

. 2 long lobes, but no spiracles, finger-like gills; broad, dark swellings on the top and bottom of 6 abdominal segments.. .
Arctoconopa Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Arctoconopa

. 5 short lobes and many (~18) darkened areas on the hind end; also has a horn coming off of the middle of the top of the hind end.. .
Cryptolabis Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Cryptolabis

. 4 long, thin, wispy white lobes that have may or may not have a fringe of light hairs around their edges; the spiracles are light in color and usually hard to see.. .
Dactylolabis Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Dactylolabis

. 4 developed lobes that are darkened; the darkened area of the two bottom lobes connect near the middle of the hind end; abdominal segments have patches of dense hair across them.. .
Elliptera Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Elliptera

. 4 lobes; bottom lobes well developed; side lobes small; body is wide and flat with swollen areas on the top and bottom of the abdominal segments; spiracles are oblong and the bottom lobes are well developed.. .
Erioptera Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Erioptera

. 5 lobes; otherwise highly variable; see Xerces CD for variations.. .
Gonomyia Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Gonomyia

. 5 lobes; dark part of the lobes on the bottom are divided by a light line, while the dark areas of the top and side lobes are solid and sometimes connect across the middle; top lobe smaller than others.. .
Gonomyodes Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Gonomyodes

. 7 lobes and the spiracles are very small and far apart.. .
Hesperoconopa Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Hesperoconopa

. 1 lobe, long, sometimes hairy, no spiracles; body usually long and light in color with a swollen hind end.. .
Hexatoma Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Hexatoma

. 4 developed lobes w/fringe of long hairs around them, but other hairs are fairly short; underside of heard does not have a darkened bar at the front of the white part.. .
Limnophila Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Limnophila

. 4 lobes w/fringe of moderately long hairs around them, giving the hind end a fuzzy appearance; underside of heard has a dark bar at the front of the white part.. .
Limonia Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Limonia

. 4 or 5 very short lobes or may be indistinct; welts on top and bottom of abdominal segments.. .
Lipsothrix Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Lipsothrix

. 4 well developed lobes at the end of the abdomen and each abdominal segment is swollen at one end - in decaying wood at or just below the water level.. .
Molophilus Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Molophilus

. 5 lobes all darkened w/side and bottom lobes divided by a light band; top lobe w/single darkened spot that is undivided; teeth are in the place where the two sides of the head come together on the underside of the head near the front.. .
Ormosia Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Ormosia

. 5 lobes; otherwise highly variable.. .
Pilaria Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Pilaria

. 5 lobes; top lobe tiny; other 4 well developed; bottom two have long hairs off their tips and are darkened along length of the lobe; the tooth (teeth) at the base of the outer portion of the mandible is much less than 1/2 as long as the outer tooth.. .
Rhabdomastix Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Rhabdomastix

. Larvae yellowish; 2 claw-like projections at ventrical margin of spiracular disk.. .
Ulomorpha Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Ulomorpha

. 4 lobes; 2 upper medium, 2 lower longer; Like Pilaria, but darker still on the 2/3 farthest from the spiracles; tooth at the base of the outer portion of the mandible is at least 1/2 as long as the outer tooth. .
Muscidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Muscidae

Aquatic Muscids (House Flies) Head not well defined; several pairs of poorly developed prolegs w/hooks; end of the abdomen has a pair of dark spiracles either against the body or at the end of small lobes, and no clusters of hairs.. .
Limnophora Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Limnophora

. Live among mosses in the flowing portions of streams.. .
Nymphomyiidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Nymphomyiidae

Waternymph Flies Similar to Chironomidae (long, whitish, and tubular with a distinct head), but they have 8 pairs of long, thin prolegs on the underside of their abdomen.. Long, thin, frilly wings; have limited flying capabilities, but may form swarms before shedding their wings and entering the water to mate and to lay eggs..
Palaeodipteron Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Palaeodipteron

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Pediciidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Pediciidae

Pediciid Crane Flies Pointed front end w/partially or fully retracted head; rear end blunt w/variously shaped lobes; 10-25 mm when mature.. Medium to large mosquito-like flies with extremely long legs; wings with 2 anal veins reaching margin..
Dicranota Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Dicranota

. 2 long lobes with a pair of tiny spiracles at the base, short white papillae; usually has pairs of prolegs on the underside of 5 abdominal segments, but may have broad swellings on both the top and bottom of 4 abdominal segments.. .
Pedicia Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Pedicia

. 2 short or long lobes with a pair of obvious spiracles at the base, and has short or long papillae, broad swellings only on the underside of 4 abdominal segments.. .
Pelecorhynchidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Pelecorhynchidae

Rubber Flies Skin very thick, tough, and rubbery to the touch; no well-defined head, no prolegs, no lobes, no gills; have small, circular, divided plate near their rounded hind end.. .
Glutops Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Glutops

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Phoridae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Phoridae

Humpbacked Flies . .
Psychodidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Psychodidae

Moth Flies Worm-like rounded or flattened body; well-defined head; no prolegs.. Small and moth-like; wings broad, pointed, hairy, held roof-like over body..
Maruina Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Maruina

. Generally flattened top to bottom with a broad, well-developed head and what appears from above to be numerous body segments with plates along the middle; 8 disks of fine hairs along the underside of the body; a brush of hairs on the hind end.. .
Pericoma Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Pericoma

. Small, rounded in cross-section, and fairly dark, with a well developed head and subdivided body segments, with 26 plates all similar in size.. .
Psychoda Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Psychoda

. Small, rounded in cross-section, body is usually light in color, with a well developed head and subdivided body segments, but either only some body segments have plates on top, or the plates are different size on different segments.. .
Ptychopteridae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Ptychopteridae

Phantom Crane Flies Prominent, completely hardened head not concealed under the skin: body very long, thin, covered w/rows of hairs sometimes at ends of fleshy (sometimes hard) bumps; three pairs of prolegs (each with well developed hooks) near the front of the body,. Resemble crane flies, except wings with only one anal vein reaching margin of wing, often with black and white banding on legs..
Bittacomorpha Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Bittacomorpha

. Body rust colored; mandibles have a single tooth at end; hypostoma has two teeth; rows of relatively short, fleshy tubercles cover the body; can grow to more than 1.25" (30+ mm). .
Bittacomorphella Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Bittacomorphella

. Uncommon - body black with a yellow breathing tube that can be pulled completely back into the body; hypostoma has two teeth; body covered with hard, black finger-like lobes; head broad and oval; body is less than 20 mm or ~4/5". .
Ptychoptera Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Ptychoptera

. Body light yellow or brown; mandibles have three teeth at the end; the hypotoma (near the middle of the underside of the head) has several teeth; can grow to about 2.5" (60 mm). .
Sciomyzidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Sciomyzidae

Marsh Flies Tubular body without a well defined head capsule; abdominal segments are encircled with a ring of bumps; hind end narrows, then ends bluntly (not indented) with several small lobes around the edges; prey on snails and snail eggs.. Small to medium sized; usually yellow or brown; may have patterned wings.
Simuliidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Simuliidae

Black Flies Body cylindrical; head w/fan-like mouth brushes; prothorax w/single ventral proleg; abdomen swollen toward end and terminating in an attachment disk.. Small and stout; usually black, sometimes lighter; thorax strongly arched; wings broad..
Prosimulium Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Prosimulium

. Fans are present on the head, though they might be tucked into the mouthparts; antennae are light with black tips; there are never two tiny oval plates at the back of the head.. .
Simulium Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Simulium

. Fans present; teeth on the hypostoma are similar in length (though the middle and outside teeth might be slightly larger than the others); the antennae are never light with a dark tip; two tiny oval plates are often present behind the head.. .
Twinnia Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Twinnia

. Head without fans.. .
Stratiomyidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Stratiomyidae

Aquatic Soldier Flies Relatively flat top to bottom w/ well developed head capsule, short antennae, 11 body segs; often w/fringe or tuft of long hairs at their hind end; no prolegs, but may have hooks on the underside of a segment or two; prominent spiracles behind head.. Housefly shaped; antennae bent outward at 90 degree angle mid-length; wing venation forming discal cell near mid-point..
Caloparyphus Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Caloparyphus

. Plate on the hind end has a fringe of long hairs; the antennae are near the top of the head and point upward; the spiracles (dark spots) on the first segment behind the head are against the skin (no stalk).. .
Euparyphus Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Euparyphus

. Plate on the hind end has a fringe of long hairs; the antennae are near the top of the head and point upward; the spiracles on the first segment behind the head are at the end of long stalks.. .
Hedriodiscus Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Hedriodiscus

. Plate on the hind end has a fringe of long hairs; the antennae are on the side of the head near the front and point forward or slightly downward; body somewhat elongated.. .
Myxosargus Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Myxosargus

. Plate on the hind end has two short lobes, each with a 3/4 fringe of long hairs; the antennae point upward; the spiracles are against the skin at the front corners of the first segment behind the head.. .
Nemotelus Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Nemotelus

. Plate on the hind end doesn't have long hairs around the edge (the end of the abdomen may have half a dozen long hairs but never a fringe of many hairs).. .
Odontomyia Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Odontomyia

. Last abdominal segment rarely more than twice as long as wide, doesn't have a bump near the front on the underside.. .
Sargus Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Sargus

. Plate on the hind end w/fringe of long hairs; the antennae are on the side of the head near the front and point forward or slightly downward; body somewhat elongated.. .
Stratiomys Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Stratiomys

. Last abdominal segment segment very long and narrow (more than twice as long as wide) and has a swollen area near the front on the underside.. .
Syrphidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Syrphidae

Rattailed Maggots No distinct head; body thick and cylindrical with blunt ends and a long, thin breathing tube on the hind end. They burrow in the organic muck of a wide variety of still and stagnant water environments.. Adults called flower flies, drone flies, or hover flies; quite colorful, often with yellow stripes similar to those of bees or wasps..
Tabanidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Tabanidae

Horse and Deer Flies Pointy hind end and rounded front end; ring of bumps around each abdominal segment; head parts are reduced to just slender rods.. Medium to large sized; stout-bodied; often possessing patterned wings and colorful eyes; head as seen from above is semi-circular..
Chrysops Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Chrysops

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Tabanus Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Tabanus

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Tanyderidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Tanyderidae

Primative Crane Flies Similar to chironomid larvae, but don't have front prolegs; do have six long filaments and a pair of long prolegs on their hind end.. Similar to crane flies, except wing vein R is 5-branched..
Protanyderus Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Protanyderus

. Well developed head capsule; look very similar to midges, but don't have front prolegs, and have six long filaments and a pair of long prolegs on hind end; have spiracles at front and hind ends; prolegs at hind end have crochets.. .
Thaumalcidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Thaumalcidae

Solitary Midges Body cylindrical; prothorax w/single proleg; abdomen with only a single terminal proleg.. Adults knat-like; head small; wings w/7 longitudinal veins reaching margin..
Thaumalea Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Thaumalea

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Tipulidae Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Family Tipulidae

Tipulid Crane Flies Pointed front end w/partially or fully retracted head; rear end blunt w/variously shaped lobes; 10-25 mm when mature.. Medium to large mosquito-like flies with extremely long legs; wings with 2 anal veins reaching margin..
Holorusia Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Holorusia

. 6 short lobes; last abdominal segment w/both macro- and microscopic hairs; other abdominal segments w/macroscopic hairs intermixed with rows of microscopic hairs; 6 finger-like papillae (4 curve up against the body).. .
Prionocera Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Prionocera

. 6 long lobes; 6 finger-like papillae; abdomen covered with microscopic hairs, short visible hairs (fuzz) are only present only at bases of long hairs.. .
Tipula Taxonomic Name Common Name Larval Characteristics Adult Characteristics
Genus Tipula

. 6 (or 8) short or long lobes; 0-8 finger-like papillae under the end of the abdomen: abdomen; almost no microscopic hairs and is blanketed with fuzzy visible hairs.. .

Created: 10/01/2004   Last modified: 01/26/2013   www.FlyfishingEntomology.com